Montecristo N°1
Partagás Serie D N°4
Partagás 898
Cohiba Siglo VI
Montecristo Petit Edmundo
Montecristo Edmundo
The peruvian San Martin robustos
Cohiba Robustos
Rafael González
Rafael González
H.Upmann Connoisseur N°1
Trinidad robusto extra
The beberages brands:
Whisky Chivas Regal
Ron Habana Club
Whiskey Jamesom
Whisky Glenlivet
Ron Varadero
Cervezas artesanales de la Cervecería La Muralla
Café Cohiba Atmosphere
Café Montecristo Deleggend
Café Serrano
Many experts in tobacco, coffe and alcoholic beberages from Peru, Cuba, Chile, Brasil, Argentina and Venezuela, join the course.
Jorge Irribarren From Peru, member of the APSOM (asociación peruanan de sommeliers) join Philip Ili from Chile, member of the "Asociación de sommeliers de Chile" in this event where they could taste the best cigars of the world.
The best cigar Cuban Brands as Cohiba, Montecristo, Trinidad, Romeo & Julieta, H. Upmann, Rafael González and Partagás were tasted in several meetings.