A young Canadian sommelier from restaurant Le Local in Montreal won the APAS & ASI Contest of the Best Sommelier of the Americas 2009 in front of an audience of wine lovers in the hotel Panamericano in Buenos Aires. Second was her compatriot Véronique Rivest, third, the Brasilean Guilherme Corrêa.
For the Argentinian Sommeliers Association and his president Andrés Rosberg it was a real challenge to organize for the first time on the American continent this international ASI, Association de la Sommellerie Internationale, and APAS, Alianza Pan Americana de Sommeliers, contest , inviting many countries to select and send their best sommeliers (maximum two) to Buenos Aires. A great success indeed.
The semi-final including written and practical tests allowed, on Sunday May 31st, select three finalists among the fifteen candidates representing eight countries :
Agustina de Alba and Marcelo Rebolé, Argentina, Guilherme Corrêa and Tiago Locatelli, Brazil, Elyse Lambert and Véronique Rivest, Canada, Ricardo Grellet Almerighi and Hector Riquelme, Chile, Juan Carlos Flores Mazon and Marcos Flores Tlalpan for Mexico, Juan Pablo Figueroa Crisologo and Victor Kompanichenko for Peru, Fernando Beteta, USA, Malvy Medina Castillo and Marilis Susana Sanchez Orro for Venezuela.
For the Argentinian Sommeliers Association and his president Andrés Rosberg it was a real challenge to organize for the first time on the American continent this international ASI, Association de la Sommellerie Internationale, and APAS, Alianza Pan Americana de Sommeliers, contest , inviting many countries to select and send their best sommeliers (maximum two) to Buenos Aires. A great success indeed.
The semi-final including written and practical tests allowed, on Sunday May 31st, select three finalists among the fifteen candidates representing eight countries :
Agustina de Alba and Marcelo Rebolé, Argentina, Guilherme Corrêa and Tiago Locatelli, Brazil, Elyse Lambert and Véronique Rivest, Canada, Ricardo Grellet Almerighi and Hector Riquelme, Chile, Juan Carlos Flores Mazon and Marcos Flores Tlalpan for Mexico, Juan Pablo Figueroa Crisologo and Victor Kompanichenko for Peru, Fernando Beteta, USA, Malvy Medina Castillo and Marilis Susana Sanchez Orro for Venezuela.